Here's a 30-day snapshot of the #americanflowersweek activity on Instagram and Twitter alone.

Here’s a 30-day snapshot of the #americanflowersweek activity on Instagram and Twitter alone.

The excitement of American Flowers Week is starting to die down and yet we’re still collecting photographs and posts of engagement for the 2nd annual celebration of local and domestic flowers!

The numbers shown above are just part of the story because we can’t reliably track Facebook or conventional media mentions. However as a snapshot of activity, the chart is significant when compared to the same period in 2015. One year ago, we had 410,000 potential impressions for #americanflowersweek. This year, the total potential is more than three times the prior year’s impressions. From 410k to 1.3 million!

Thank you to our four financial sponsors: Certified American Grown, Syndicate Sales, Longfield Gardens and Mayesh Wholesale.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to write a tweet, share a photo, add a sticker to a bouquet, create an unique display, compose blog posts, teach a workshop, send out a press release, appear on local media, author a column or new story, donate flowers and prizes, and generally get behind this wonderful campaign.

I’ll be posting more insights in the coming days, and introducing many of the active and influential #americanflowersweek participants.

And then . . . we’ll begin the planning for 2017! I’ll be surveying members for input and suggestions. There is so much potential and we’re just getting started!