Press Photos American Flowers Week 2019
The following galleries are available for download and use. Please take note of photography credits
Participating Slow Flowers designer teams include:
ALASKA: Kim Herning, Northern Lights Peonies (floral design and flowers).
Creative Credits:
Design team: Kim Herning, Roxy Marcy and Tirzah Friesen
Venue and Flowers: Northern Lights Peonies, Fairbanks, Alaska, @northernlightspeonies
Lead Designer: Kim Herning, Northern Lights Peonies, Arctic Alaska Peonies @arcticalaskapeonies
Model and H/MU: Tirzah Friesen
Photography: Roxy Marcy with Alaska Alchemy @alaskaalchemy
Download Images: Please credit (c) Roxy Marcy, Alaska Alchemy

CALIFORNIA: Jenny Diaz, Jenny M. Diaz (floral design), with flowers provided by Dramm & Echter
Creative Credits:
Designer: Jenny M. Diaz,, @jennymdiaz
Flowers: Dramm + Echter, Encinitas, Calif.,, @dramm_and_echter
Venue: Fresno, Calif.
Model: Kara Trukki @luckytrukki
Hair and Makeup: Sixx Valenzuela, @sixxvalenzuela
Photography: Jenny M. Diaz
Download Images: Please credit (c) Jenny M. Diaz

FLORIDA: Eileen Tongson, FarmGal Flowers (floral design), with ferns and foliage provided by Jana Register of Fern Trust
Creative Credits:
Designer: Eileen Tongson, FarmGal Flowers, Orlando, Florida,, @farmgalflowers
Foliage: Jana Register, FernTrust, Seville, Florida,, @ferntrustinc
Venue: FernTrust
Model: Isabel Tongson, @isabel.tongson
Hair: Katrina Elbo, J. Bauman Salon,, @shearkatrina
Makeup: Miki Walker, Make Me Up Miki,, @mikilanii
Photography: Danielle Werner, Live Wonderful Photography,, @livewonderful_
Download Images: Please credit (c) Danielle Werner

MAINE: Rayne Grace Hoke, Flora’s Muse (floral design), with flowers provided by Johnny’s Selected Seeds’ trial gardens
Creative Credits:
Designer: Rayne Grace Hoke, Flora’s Muse, Biddeford, Maine,, @florasmuse
Design Assistant: Hillary Alger, Product Manager for Herbs and Flowers, Johnny’s Selected Seeds
Flowers and Foliage: Johnny’s Selected Seeds, Winslow, Maine,, @johnnys_seeds
Venue: Johnny’s Trial Gardens, Albion, Maine
Model: Mary Yarumian, @marybebythesea
Hair and Makeup: Mary Yarumian
Photography: Kristen Earley, Johnny’s Selected Seeds; Chris Pinchbeck,
Download Images: Please credit (c) Kristen Early and Chris Pinchbeck
MICHIGAN: Heather Grit, Glamour and Grit Floral (floral design), with plants and greenery provided by Speyer Greenhouse and Hart Tree Farm
Creative Credits:
Designer: Heather Grit, Glamour and Grit Floral,, @glamourandgrit
Plants and Greenery: Speyer Greenhouse, Byron Center, Mich., @speyergreenhouse; and Hart Tree Farm, Rockford, Mich.,
Venue: Private location, Caledonia, Mich.
Model: Kailee Naber, @kaileenaber
Hair and Makeup: Tawwney Sayre, Makeup by Tawwney, @tawwney.jua
Photography: Joelle Martin, Lavender and Lace Photography LLC,, @lavenderandlacephotos
Download Images: Please credit (c) Joelle Martin

(c) Tiffany Marie Buckley
MISSOURI: Andrea K. Grist, Andrea K. Grist Floral Art (floral design), with flowers provided by Beth and Joel Fortin of Little Green Garden LLC
Creative Credits:
Designer: Andrea K. Grist, Andrea K. Grist Floral Art,, @andreakgristfloralart
Flowers: Little Green Garden LLC, Richmond, Missouri,, @littlegreengardenkc
Venue: Sunset Trails Stables, Lee’s Summit, Missouri,, @sunsettrailsstables
Model: Samantha Grist
Hair and Makeup: Andrea K. Grist
Photography: Tiffany Marie Buckley, Tiffany Marie Photography,, @tiffanymariephoto
Download Images: Please credit (c) Tiffany Marie Buckley
OREGON: Beth Syphers, Crowley House Flower Farm (floral design), with flowers provided by Bethany and Charles Little, Charles Little & Co.
Creative Credits:
Designer: Beth Syphers, Crowley House Flower Farm, Rickreall, Oregon,, @crowleyhouse
Fresh and Dried Floral: Crowley House Flower Farm and Bethany and Charles Little, Charles Little & Co., Eugene, Oregon,, @charleslittleandco
Venue: McMinnville, Oregon
Models: Rilley Syphers and Remington Kuenzi
Hair and Makeup: Rilley Syphers, @rilley.h.s
Photography: Haley Swinth,, @haleyswinth
Download Images: Please credit (c) Haley Swinth

SOUTH CAROLINA: Toni Reale, Roadside Blooms (floral design), with flowers provided by Laura Mewbourn, Feast & Flora Farm
Creative Credits:
Floral Designer: Toni Reale, Roadside Blooms, North Charleston, S.C.,, @roadsideblooms_shop
Farmer/Florist: Laura Mewbourn, Feast & Flora Farm, Meggett, S.C.,, @feastandflora
Venue: Seashore Farmers’ Lodge No. 767, James Island, S.C., National Registry of Historic Places
Model: Giovanni Richardson, “Queen Gigi Ma’at Ogechi,” Sea Island Gullah Chieftess and founding member of A Taste of Gullah,
Design Assistants: Kelsey Bacon, Joy Colby, Scott Woytowick
Photography: Philip Casey,, @philipcaseyphoto
Download Images: Please credit (c) Philip Casey

(c) Missy Palacol
WASHINGTON: Tammy Myers, First & Bloom (floral design), with flowers supplied by Amy Brown, Laughing Goat Farm and Seattle Wholesale Growers Market
Creative Credits:
Designer: Tammy Myers, First & Bloom,, @firstandbloom
Design Assistance: Amy Brown and Leila Jorden @leilajjorden
Flowers: Laughing Goat Flower Farm, Enumclaw, Wash.,, @laughinggoatflowerfarm
Additional Flowers: Seattle Wholesale Growers Market, seattlewholesalegrowersmarket, @seattlewholesalegrowersmarket
Venue: Laughing Goat Farm
Model: Anne Davidson, @amd98065
Hair and Makeup: Elizabeth White Artistry @elizabethwhiteartistry
Photography: Missy Palacol Photography @missy.palacol
Download Images: Please credit (c) Missy Palacol