Unveiling our 2020 American Flowers Week Branding by Tamara Hough
03 Sunday Nov 2019
Written by Debra Prinzing in American Flowers Week 2020, News & Events, Promotional Ideas, Resources for Farmers & Florists
botanical illustration, faces and flowers, Morning Glory Flowers, Tamara Hough, West Virginia botanical artist

We’ve commissioned flower farmer, botanical artist and new Slow Flowers member Tamara Hough of Morning Glory Flowers to design our American Flowers Week branding for 2020!
The playful and charming floral ladies, faces and fashions that Tamara posts on her Instagram feed captured our imagination as a perfect way to represent the spirit of American Flowers Week!
We asked Tamara to create an original illustration with three botanically-styled women to represent the best of Slow Flowers and American Flowers Week. She designed a trio of gals in beautiful floral headpieces, with bits and pieces from the garden used to create all the facial features — and their fashionable looks! Tamara has even named them: Dae, Makena, & Chloe.

Click here to download our free graphics for your 2020 American Flowers Week promotional use.