Independence from Imports
04 Saturday Jul 2015
Written by Debra Prinzing in American Flowers Week 2015, By the Numbers, Floral Design

All these blooms are from my Seattle garden and from my local flower farmers!
American Flowers Week culminates today on July 4th. Happy Independence Day!
As I wrote the headline for this post, I asked myself, “Why is this one-week celebration so important?”
It’s because American Flowers Week allows us to shine the light on our homegrown flowers, the farmers who grow those blooms and the creatives in whose hands the most inspiring bouquets are created.
Yes, we’ve seen some crazy-gorgeous images of American grown flowers appear across the social media landscape this week.
And no, I had NO idea how many fabulous combinations of red (or reddish), white (or cream) and blue (or purplish) petals and flowers there were.

Gotta love ‘Checkers’, the perfect dahlia for American Flowers Week (grown by Jello Mold Farm)
In the hands of the community – all are dazzling! What an explosion of inventiveness, intentionality — and INDEPENDENCE!
American Flowers Week means we can literally claim our Independence from Imports!
Thanks to the suggestion from one of my garden industry friends, I signed up for a hashtag tracking trial with – [use this link of you want a 3-day trial for your own hashtag project]. So far, in a single week’s time, #americanflowersweek has reached 339,803 impressions on Twitter and Instagram alone! That’s swell!
We’re flying the flag today – and I thank each of you for growing those beautiful American flowers, making such visually enticing American bouquets, and sharing, sharing, sharing!
Keep it going! Today’s our final day so let’s set off some floral fireworks!